Thursday 25 August 2011

Website Issues

Okay, okay, I know the updates on the website have been really slack, but when the hubby first created it he used a free program, that drove him up the wall as he had to do basically everything individually. Before he updated it again he wanted to buy a web design program. So we've finally had the money to buy the program and he's done the updates. Now, however, he can't upload it...Ggggrrrr. It's been nearly a week and he thought if he just deleted everything that was there and then upload the entire site again that would work... but alas, no... So if you visit the sight and get a 'page not found' notice, please don't stress. We are working on it and hopefully we should have it working soon... Thanks for your patients and understanding.



Bailey;-) said...


Love the blog re-do:) And websites are just GRRRR in general. My hubby set mine up as well but somehow it's fallen to me to mess with now and it is sadly neglected:/ I hope y'all get it straightened out soon. No worries though, we will catch you here or on FB until then:D

Unknown said...


Have you tried It's a free one and works really well. For me at least. Hope things work out!