Monday, 16 May 2011

New Review for Determined Mate

TwoLips reveiwed Determined Mate and gave it a staggering 5 Kisses.

Click on the link to read the reveiw


Bailey;-) said...

Congratulations on the wonderful review, Toni:) I really enjoyed both books in the Holland Brother's series!

angie said...

con grats cant wait to read it

i will be doing a reader review of the other two books which i enjoyed very much

when i do a short review of the other 2 books will you grant me a interview to go with it

Toni Griffin said...

Thanks. That mean a lot coming from you. I'm looking forward to your release on Monday.


Toni Griffin said...


Sorry for the delay in replying to your comment. Today Is my first day off in 8 days. I would be happy to do an interview although I really am a rather boring person. :). Just send me an email with the details if I'm not to late.


angie said...

never to late with a interview enjoy your day off